What is Wi-Flo?

The Wi-Flo system allows continuous monitoring of fluid state and device operating conditions from a PC.

You can wirelessly monitor steam trap actuation, pressure, differential pressure, vibration, temperature, flow rate, and other measurement data from the PC.
This reduces man-hours required for site patrol, enabling integration of device and equipment control, history management, and predictive maintenance.

Wi-Flo System Overview

Wi-Flo System Overview Vibration Flow Rate Temperature Pressure Water level

The system enables automatic monitoring of fluid state and device operating conditions from a PC.
Temperature, vibration, pressure, water level, flow rate, and other information for monitoring can be managed from the PC.

Features of the Wi-Flo System

Feature 1: Energy savings and CO2 reduction

Energy efficiency in steam pipe systems requires early detection of steam trap malfunctions and leakage, also replacement of faulty equipment.
Daily monitoring enables immediate replacement or repair of steam traps the day after a malfunction or leakage occurs.

Feature 2: Process and quality stabilization

In light of trend analysis of accumulated monitoring data and preset alarm threshold values, you can perform predictive maintenance before the occurrence of serious issues such as production suspension, utility shutdown, and drop in product quality.
Early action may only require part replacement or minor repairs.

Feature 3: Man-power reduction and increased safety

The system lowers the man-power required for site patrol, reducing the frequent visit to the site, and work at high place, near the hot place or rotating places, and in other dangerous locations. This increase safety condition for maintenance operations.

Feature 4: Ease of installation and mounting

Installing the end device for steam trap monitor do not require any plumbing work. It only require the clamp which is included.
The pressure and differential pressure monitoring sensor do not require major plumbing work either, as they use the existing manometer connection.